Covid is like global warming

How sure can we be that sars cov 2 causes this or that, especially if it is the cause of death. The Chinese thought they could diagnose from 

1.CO2 is a trace gas that alarmists think will destroy the world. 

Sars cov 2 is a small RNA virus among many millions of viruses going around

2. Models are used to over dramatize the results of increasing co2, demanding draconian measures, and nothing had happened. Models are likewise used to over-dramatize the results of increasing sars cov2, demanding draconian measures, and nothing beyond a hard flu season has happened. Actually excess mortality does not show up AT ALL for most countries in euromomo, excess mortality. Just, UK, France, Italy, Spain and Sweden have peaks and the area under the curves (number of dead) are not worse than the 2017-18 flu season. Sweden, without draconian measures is actually peaking less than the big countries in Europe. The good thing with Euromomo is that it counts excess mortality, about the only measure we can have any confidence in since all countries have their own definition of  what is a Covid 19 death.

3. There is no clear causality that is agreed upon. Temperature can increase from a multitude of factors, but if we measure only Co2, we may think that this is the only factor influencing temperature.With Sars Cov2 we have the same problem. People die from a multitude of medical problems, but we only measure Sars Cov2 and think that all deaths with Sars Cov2 are from Sars Cov2.
4. There is a belief that actions taken will influence the result. There is probably not any noticeable effect of going carbon neutral with human activity. The pandemic gave us a clear example of this. There were massive reductions in human CO2 during the lock downs, and it didn’t even register on CO2 measurements. So not only will a zero carbon economy not show up in the massive CO2 system, but even if it had, it would be very difficult to prove that a future reduced temperature rise was a result of our efforts. Nature would just go along varying. The same can be said for lockdowns, it seemed like some of them worked to flatten the curve, but biologically speaking the same number would die anyway, just at a delayed rate that could possible avoid exhausting the health system. Actually more people may die with a delay since mor older people can reach the stage of being «low hanging fruits» if the pandemic is drawn out.  Since we tried many things at the same time, we have no idea if it was just hand washing, masks, 1-2 m distance or lockdown that worked. There is better scientific basis for handwashing than social distancing. There was of course no previous research to show that lockdowns would work. So how could we bet the world economy on something that had never been researched.
5. Actions taken work against the goals. The cure is worse than the disease. Windmills and solar farms are hard for the environment. They destroy habitats, kill eagles and the birds, and use mineral and metal resources from the earth etc, Same for solar farms. And after som years they are enormous heaps of toxic garbage. With Covid, intubation was the big solution from the beginning. Lack of ventilators was the sole reason for flattening the curve. Now it has been discovered that intubation actually is very harmful for that patients and that many could have lived if they had got just oxygen instead. But it is much easier to handle and intubated patient and the risk for staff is lower. 
6. Prestige and virtue signaling. Each country has to show how good they are when it comes to climate, outdoing each other in measures taken. Same with Covid. China started the draconian trend and the west could not be seen to be less clever.
7. Faulty research. To get funding , researchers have to support AGW. With Covid, there is a lot of money to be made from future vaccines, so research is made up (Lancet article) to take away the cheap options that man might make people reluctant to take a more or less experimental vaccine. 



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