Is it all false?

Medicine has a very long tradition of jumping to conclusions and explaining all kinds of fancy mechanism. 

Has anynody done the calculations of false positive covid tests ? It sounds great that a test is 99.9% accurate when it comes to specificity, but the results are terrible when very few have the so-called virus.  See the quote below from the  Norwegian authorities. 

With a prevalence of 0.01 per cent (as in Norway today), the positive predictive value would be around 7 per cent with today's PCR test (sensitivity 80 per cent and specificity 99.9 per cent). That is, 14 out of 15 who test positive are not infected with SARS-CoV-2.  
If we presume that the rate is as low as 20 positives in Australia, one in a million, then we would have 1000 false positives if we test  a million. If we are lucky we would find one of the   Infected ones.  We would then probably treat 1000 persons as if they had so-called Covid. 
All the positives in Melbourne may in principle be false positives. Maybe one or 2 have the virus. Now, if the accuracy is only 99%, we would have 10000 false positives for each hit.  
And this is the best possible scenario, not counting false negatives. 
Victoria actually did 1 million tests and got 0.3 % positives. If the accuracy of the tests used were 99.7 they could all be false positives.

Now  99.9 % specificity may seem a bit high, and BMJ states the following 

As current studies show marked variation and are
current estimates from systematic reviews,
numbers of 70% for sensitivity and 95% for specificity for illustrative purposes


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