Symptoms of covid
Has anybody really had a look at the symptoms of Covid 19
The WHO list the following:
dry cough
Fever is common to many diseases, dry cough as well ( how dry is dry) and tiredness has to be one of the most common entirely subjective symptoms in the world)
Less common symptoms:
aches and pains (extremely common and subjective, how much, where, measured how?)
sore throat (extremely common and subjective, how much? measured how
diarrhoea(a bit more rare and slightly objective)
conjunctivitis (a bit more rare and slightly objective)
headache (one of the most common and subjective symptoms in the world)
loss of taste or smell ( a bit more special, but common feature of a cold and very subjective, unmeasurable, food for hypochondria, actually a symptom of zinc deficiency also)
a rash on skin (slightly measurable, but extremely vague and common) , or
discolouration of fingers or toes (vague, but a bit better than the others)
Serious symptoms:
difficulty breathing or shortness of breath (anxiety symptom)
chest pain or pressure(anxiety symptom)
loss of speech or movement (could be anxiety symptom)
The only thing that makes covid19 different from a flu or a cold is the rt pcr test.
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