
Viser innlegg fra august, 2020

Reinfected or false positive

In principle when someone tests positive but have no symptoms it is a false positive test. What is the proof that the test means anything at all?  It just means that the person possibly has a certain RNA sequence in their body.  And that may not even be true. With a 97% specific test, almost all the test results in most countries are true false positives, that means that the Covid Rna wasn't really in the persons body, but rather e.g. contamination from the previous test.  With a 99.9 specific test and 0.01% infection in the population 14 of 15 positives are really false, there was no SARS COV2 virus in the person's body at all. 

Sick with anything, counts as Covid death

Of all who test positive for Covid 19, 80% have no symptoms, but the ones who have symptoms may have them because of hundreds of different viruses or other diseases. Dry cough could be from smoking, allergy, all other corona viruses, all other corona viruses, all airway infections copd etc. Most communicable diseases have fever and fatigue as symptoms. So we have no idea if the symptoms stem from covid 19 or any other virus respiratory disease since we did not test for the others. Pneumonia is not a covid symptom, but still people who die with pneumonia are counted as covid 19 victims. Formally it is not correct to say that they died from covid, just with covid. Number of deaths for leading causes of death: * Heart disease: 647,457 * Cancer: 599,108 * Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936 * Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201 * Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383 * Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404 * Diabetes: 83,564 * Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672 * Nephritis, nephro...

Why does covid hit the rich countries

Why does covid hit the rich countries? Could it be that aggressive so-called heroic treatments actually make patients worse until they die.  Could it be that old people in rich countries are taking so many medications that one or two extra create dangerous deadly interactions.  Intubation seems to be one of these treatments that are lethal. And we have the possibility in rich countries to do this. 

Covid positive but sick with almost anything

You test positive for Covid 19. 80% have no symptoms, but the ones who have symptoms may have them because of hundreds of different viruses or other diseases.  Dry cough could be from smoking, allergy, all other corona viruses, all other corona viruses, all airway infections copd etc.  Most communicable diseases have fever and fatigue as symptoms. So we have no idea if the symptoms stem from covid 19 or any other virus respiratory disease since we did not test for the others.  Pneumonia is not a covid symptom, but still people who die with pneumonia are counted as covid 19 victims. Formally it is not correct to say that they died from covid,?just with covid 

Covid general thoughts

The number that we normal people can use to guide us concerning risk is not the number of deaths pr positive test. We don’t know the percentage tested, we don’t know how reliable the tests are, and we don’t know how many have had Covid 19 and are immune.  But luckily, like you indicate with your graphs, we can know risk of death by nationality. China is a bit over 2 pr million. Right now, Italy has 6820 deaths in 60 million, 113 pr million.  Annual flu deaths in Italy are around 340 pr million. It the numbers doble for Covid 19, we will still be way below normal flu deaths. And most of the people dying from Covid 19 would be the ones most likely to die from the flu, so if we hadn’t started testing for Corona, we might not have noticed anything at all, especially in China, but even in Italy.  A lot of people die every day from all causes, 1700 pr day in Italy, so many die with Corona, not from Corona. Maybe all the Corona deaths would have died anyway. We really don’t know...

Is it all false?

Medicine has a very long tradition of jumping to conclusions and explaining all kinds of fancy mechanism.  Has anynody done the calculations of false positive covid tests ? It sounds great that a test is 99.9% accurate when it comes to specificity, but the results are terrible when very few have the so-called virus.  See the quote below from the  Norwegian authorities.  With a prevalence of 0.01 per cent (as in Norway today), the positive predictive value would be around 7 per cent with today's PCR test (sensitivity 80 per cent and specificity 99.9 per cent). That is, 14 out of 15 who test positive are not infected with SARS-CoV-2.   If we presume that the rate is as low as 20 positives in Australia, one in a million, then we would have 1000 false positives if we test  a million. If we are lucky we would find one of the   Infected ones.  We would then probably treat 1000 persons as if they had so-called Covid.  All the positives in Melbourne ...

Covid is like global warming

How sure can we be that sars cov 2 causes this or that, especially if it is the cause of death. The Chinese thought they could diagnose from  1.CO2 is a trace gas that alarmists think will destroy the world.  Sars cov 2 is a small RNA virus among many millions of viruses going around 2. Models are used to over dramatize the results of increasing co2, demanding draconian measures, and nothing had happened. Models are likewise used to over-dramatize the results of increasing sars cov2, demanding draconian measures, and nothing beyond a hard flu season has happened. Actually excess mortality does not show up AT ALL for most countries in euromomo, excess mortality. Just, UK, France, Italy, Spain and Sweden have peaks and the area under the curves (number of dead) are not worse than the 2017-18 flu season. Sweden, without draconian measures is actually peaking less than the big countries in Europe. The good thing with Euromomo is that it counts excess mortality, about the only ...

Blind faith

It seems like there is a blind faith in the accuracy of the swab tests. When only 3% were infected by non-symptomatic infected persons, this was not questioned. If the specificity was 97%, this is exactly what we would expect if there was absolutely no  Infection from non-symptomatic persons   It seems like nobody thinks of doing statistically significant testing. Even with a 99% accurate test there is a 95% confidence interval that would have to be exceeded if we should draw any conclusions from tests like this.    A 3% positive test rate with any normally specific good test, would not in anyway mean that we could say that it was larger than zero.  BMJ  Suggests 95% as a reasonable specificity.    That means that five out of 100 tests are false positives. They seem to have Covid but they don’t.  Is we cannot be sure that the infection rate from non symptomatic individuals is larger than 0 then there is absolutely no justification for lockdow...

Millions of viruses

How many viruses are  so new that we don’t have immunity against them, we don’t know how infectious they are and we don’t know the lethality. Most of the flu viruses are so mutated that the vaccine doesn’t help. 

False positives in RT PCR

Cohen discovered that false positives were actually fairly common. The best labs reported few if any, but other labs reported up to 8% of their positive results were false positives. The average was around 2% false positive. With 0.1% false positives, 99.9 % specificity, 14 of 15 positive tests are false positives when the rate of infection is as low as Autralia or Norway.  In principle with 7% false positives, the whole epidemic in the US could be false positives. And we don’t know since there is no gold standard.

How to make a pandemic

How to create a pandemic Imagine that you want to start a pandemic, what would you need? 1. Find some vague criteria for what constitutes the symptoms that you want people to look for. Anything subjective that a lot of people can identify with,is ideal. Let us take memory problems and/or confusion + a few common ones from the Covid list. Tiredness, aches and pains are common and subjective enough. (For covid 19  the symptoms are:  fever, dry cough,tiredness. Less common symptoms:aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes) It would be a good idea to take something that is very common in old people  so that we can use death from old age as proof of the lethality of the new virus. 2. Then we would need something biological to test. Any RNA sequence would do, as long as it is not present in the whole population. If it were, someone might claim herd immunity very quickly. Actually it could be a R...

Symptoms of covid

Has anybody really had a look at the symptoms of Covid 19 The WHO list the following: fever dry cough tiredness Fever is common to many diseases, dry cough as well ( how dry is dry) and tiredness has to be one of the most common entirely subjective symptoms in the world) Less common symptoms: aches and pains (extremely common and subjective, how much, where, measured how?) sore throat (extremely common and subjective, how much? measured how diarrhoea(a bit more rare and slightly objective) conjunctivitis (a bit more rare and slightly objective) headache (one of the most common and subjective symptoms in the world)  loss of taste or smell ( a bit more special, but common feature of a cold and very subjective, unmeasurable, food for hypochondria, actually a symptom of zinc deficiency also) a rash on skin (slightly measurable, but extremely vague and common) , or  discolouration of fingers or toes (vague, but a bit better than the others) Serious symptoms: difficulty breathing or...

Follow the science?

 Nobody has followed the scientific method in covid 19 pandemic. The null hypothesis that there is no new virus causing a new disease has not been falsified.  Deaths follow the profile of old age Flu death almost perfectly. It would have to be proven that the profile was statistically significantly from previous years. This has not been done  How do we know that covid 19 has not been around for years? We did not test for it so how could we know. If the test had not been designed now, we would think this was a bad flu.  If somebody tests false positive for Covid 19 and has flu symptoms this person will be let into the covid ward  and can be infected with whatever pneumonia the others there have. Pretty soon the person may be intubated and  die. Is this a Covid death? A false positive rate of 7% would explain all the  Covid cases in the US. Once tested any person dying would be a covid death + suspected deaths encouraged by money for every Covid death. A...